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The Currency of Language

BS-to-Brilliance Master, Coach, Speaker, Trainer, Author Zaretsky is a master professional coach, author, and speaker that helps people unleash their brilliance, confidence and visibility in the world. Janet has worked with over 32,000 people in the past 22+ years

Janet is a powerful advocate for ending the gender gap, both in pay and influence. Her work with women has led her to be a frequent contributor to Forbes and the author of “Where’d My Confidence Go… and how do I get it back?”. Known as The BS-to-Brilliance Master, has a gift for having you unapologetically and confidently express yourself – and succeed! – as the unique and powerful professional you are.

She is a TEDx and Keynote Speaker, a corporate trainer and expert in communication and leadership, an International Coach Federation member, Enhanced Conversational Intelligence Coach, Certified in Behavioral Style Instruments, graduate of Coach U, former senior program leader for Landmark Worldwide.

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